Wednesday 8 June 2011

My final post :(
its been emotional..
just finished my research file - for the past week i havent been stressing at all actually so glad i made this blog, looking back i feel very proud of the work i produced - really hoping i get a good grade im really nervous after my dissapointment of getting a merit last year..
i have taken on board all the comments from my tutors and hope ive done enough to get the grade i want.
i have genuinally enjoyed doing this project and have thought about ethical fashion in a whole new way and will definetly start to support the cause - thankyou for following me & il let you know what grade i get :) love love fashionistas <3

Sunday 5 June 2011

As ive got the majority of my work done apart from my evaluation i thought i would redo my promotion page & produce and advertisment to support my concept. cant believe hand in is nearly here looking back at my work im very proud of what i have produced :) p.s what happened to the sunshine !?

Saturday 4 June 2011

booked the week off work so i can comit myself fully this weekend ! got lots of 'fluff' bits done today that were holding me back and finalised sourcing. now all thats left to do is my research file and executive summary & i have all day free tomorrow so im feeling very good right now :) xxx

Thursday 2 June 2011

garment tech - FINISHED. spoke to racheal today and got it checked over, done a 2 page development, fabric page, open costing,swing ticket & care label, fabric testing packaging and a summary. pretty number from a 9-5 job in the libary today plus my fingers feel asif they are about to fall off from all the typing, but im soldiering on - 1 week until deadline ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 31 May 2011

12;28 & i have managed to finished the majority of my garment tech unit after another long day at work. got all my shapes, detail and fabric onto photshop & made a mock buying pack - now all that is left to do is my open costing and summary :)

Monday 30 May 2011

My overall pricing architecture i have also done a pricing triangle for each range in order to break it down.
had a LONG day at work today but am now up at 1am on a role with my 'EcoEra Chic' page and my pricing architecutre - feeling quite calm as i have the majority of the 'big bits' done. been really pushing myself and doing extra pieces to try and get a distinction so fingers crossed ! going to have some time with teachers this week just to oversee everything i have done so far and will let you know my feedback :) xxx

Friday 27 May 2011

An example of one of my key shapes pages..

Here are some of the images i have used on my key shapes pages to show where my inspiration has come from. I scanned these images from 'Vintage Fashion' foreword by Zandra Rhodes.


after much tweeking and playing around im finally happy with the 'number side' of my fmp :)
just got home from work so im going to crack on with some additional creative work to pull my work together.
pics will be up later xx

Wednesday 25 May 2011


So i went over my range plan with the girls this morning and tops up we have all worked out our landed wrong so i had to redo them which put me a bit behind scedule. its done now and it looks good :) then spoke to debbie about my quantitys and she gave me an exel document which was a more precise way of working them out.. so managed to get that done too. Tweeked my option sheet and finalising my colour & pattern pages as part of my ranges. pics coming soon xxxxxx

Tuesday 24 May 2011

the numbers #boo

RANGE PLAN - ALMOST FINITO ! need to talk to angie about my quantaties and make up some fancy factory names.
feel alot better now this is done so i cant crack on with my critical path & sourcing essay tomorrow.
its been a loooooooooooooooooong day.
had my tutorial with rachael (sourcing) and have managed to complete my range plan (line detail) after ALOT of faffing around with factors. going to now fill in my option sheets & will post them later xx

Monday 23 May 2011

perfect range for that rock chick girl looking for a statement piece for the weekend. found this range quite challenging as i really had to take my personal opinion out and think what was right for the customer.
i dont like to have favourites BUT i LOVE this range. would defo buy everything in it, stil very commerical..
used some fabric i took from my work placement to form the pattern on the items within this range
The 50's.. very sandy & the pink ladies xxx


now for the ranges, although i started the blog late this exact time is the moment i finished all of my ranges - yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. debbie likes them too #bonus
HERES THE 1920'S..
From my compshop, store visits & trip to the vintage fair i have collated a trend analysis of each era in order to show key trends of that time and how i can incorperate them into my own range.
I got talking to a lady who was a retired fashion designer, she was selling fabric samples from the 1950's and 1960's so i snapped a few up..
This lady has a house in france and is constantly travelling all over france to vintage markets..
what an amazing job ! she was lovely too here are some of her twenties pieces..
cheeky bit of 60's xx
AMAZING building

'FROCK ME' Vintage fair @ Chelsea town hall..

Very inspirational trip to the 'FROCK ME' vintage fair with mumma phillips.
You will see later how my findings strongly influenced the EcoEra product.
Met some amazing people, including a lady that served Jean Paul Gautier the last time it was in London - jel !
As well as this trip forming part of my research it was a very enjoyable day for the mother and myself with her constantly saying "i had one of those" with everything i picked up" ! the day ended nicely with a trip to pizza express and a glass of wine.

Here are some of my favourite pieces..
The 80's. Madonna, like a virgin ? desperetly seeking susan ? #crazymakeup&hair
70's. - my most favourite era - fashion, music, film - everthing.
My 60's moodboard, was so tempted to put Austin Powers on here - he sort of lowered the tone though..
1950's moodboard, #thinkgreece

The moodboards to inspire my new ranges..

My 1920's moodboard..